An aspect of the radical opposition yrigoyenista to the governing one Crotto, the parliamentary questions

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Fernando Enrique Barba


Jose Camilo Crotto took power of the government of the province de Buenos Aires as a result of the unquestionable pressure exerted by president Yrigoyen. However, pretty soon the presidential support changed to a strong opposition. This occurred due to the fact that Crotto not only did not consult the president to designate the ministers of his government but he also replace several Yrigoyen close friends and supporters, which were designated by the former federal intervener. Since then, the rupture of the Yrigoyenist's radical party was inevitable. The new opponents of Crotto attacked him in all possible ways in order to achieve their goal, his resignation as governor. One of the ways to oppose to his government was through questioning every decision. Here we study and describe most of them.


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How to Cite
Barba, F. E. (2009). An aspect of the radical opposition yrigoyenista to the governing one Crotto, the parliamentary questions. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (9), 85–96. Retrieved from