El execrable libro de sus hechos: Cultura jurídica, retórica y deslegitimación de la autoridad en un proceso contra el alcalde del Rosario [1810-1811]
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A public scandal starring the Mayor of the brotherhood of Pago de los Arroyos promotes the commissioner of the superior government and the village priest will initiate a criminal case. The article, through an analysis of judicial rhetoric and content of the extensive report of the priest, examines the topics of the legal culture that it brought into play to discredit the mayor's authority and its relationship with the local political contexts pre and post-revolutionary.
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Barriera, D. G. (2010). El execrable libro de sus hechos: Cultura jurídica, retórica y deslegitimación de la autoridad en un proceso contra el alcalde del Rosario [1810-1811]. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (10), 57–84. Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/AHn10a03
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