Te Deum in political ritual: Uses and meanings of an agreement devise in Spanish America and the May Revolution

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Pablo Ortemberg


Te Deum had determined functions in the political ritual in colonial and independence era. The wars in the peninsula from the middle of the XVIII century and the growing political instability -especially from 1808- increased its use. This article will analyze the characteristics of political ritual in general and then Te Deum in particular, in Spanish America. Secondly it will observe how it was the key ritual during Independence used to seal pacts and to allow for political opportunities, as well as to legitimate the new order accompanying the changes in concept and exercise of power


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How to Cite
Ortemberg, P. (2010). Te Deum in political ritual: Uses and meanings of an agreement devise in Spanish America and the May Revolution. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (10), 199–226. Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/AHn10a08
Dossier: Lo que se cuenta sobre la Revolución