En torno a la "anarquí­a" de 1714. La conflictividad polí­tica en Buenos Aires a comienzos del siglo XVIII

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Carlos Birocco


This article analyzes the political action of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires during a brief period of time [1712-1716]. Controled by an aliance of "vecinos", this institution took several months before giving the power to a governor and, after facing seditious fights, it managed to get power back when he died. It is an example of how politics have been influenced by the competition between corporations during the Ancient Regime, to increase their privileges and prerrogatives. However, the Crown reduced the faculties of the Cabildo, restricting them to the resolution of communal issues


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How to Cite
Birocco, C. (2011). En torno a la "anarquí­a" de 1714. La conflictividad polí­tica en Buenos Aires a comienzos del siglo XVIII. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (11), 71–98. Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/AHn11a05