La dinámica mercantil de las mujeres rioplatenses frente al resquebrajamiento del Antiguo Régimen [1806-1810]

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Marcela Silvia Aguirrezabala


The purpose of the present work is to scrutinize the mercantil dynamics of women in Rí­o de la Plata within the frame of the events that took place between 1806 and 1810. The exploration of the mechanics of the behaviors that preceded this period is of towering importance for the observation of the changes that occur thereafter. In order to examine those changes we have recourse to a series of variables: the ways of participation in the mercantil practice, , i.e. if the fruits and effects were charged at one's own risk, or through a third person, or if bothmethods were applied, the degree of insertion and permanence in the activity determined by the greater of lesser regularity in the commercial practice, and the commercialized lines and the relation to the routes of oceanic and regional interchange


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How to Cite
Aguirrezabala, M. S. (2011). La dinámica mercantil de las mujeres rioplatenses frente al resquebrajamiento del Antiguo Régimen [1806-1810]. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (11), 107–134. Retrieved from
Dossier: Comerciantes en Hispanoamérica durante el Antiguo Régimen y su crisis