Enemigos declarados de nuestro sistema. La acción polí­tica contrarrevolucionaria de Diego de Agüero y Miguel Fernández de Agüero [1770-1816]

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Mariano Martín Schlez


This article analizes the counter-revolutionary social force of the late colonial Buenos Aires. It takes as observables two of the principal leaders: the monopolistic spanish merchants Diego de Agüero and Miguel Fernández de Agüero. The Agüero had a definite political strategy: to oppose to the revolutionary process and to defend the colonial order. This program was constructed throughout more than thirty years, in which they pass from a reformist alliance to face politically and militarily against the revolutionaries. In this trajectory, the confrontations about the traffic of leather with foreign nations turn out to be a hinge, defending the legal trade for the route of Cadiz, arguing that it's Monarchy's bastions. The above mentioned program is link with its social reproduction, based on a political privilege granted by the colonial State. It destruction, by the action of the Revolution, will produce it commercial, political and military defeat


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How to Cite
Schlez, M. M. (2011). Enemigos declarados de nuestro sistema. La acción polí­tica contrarrevolucionaria de Diego de Agüero y Miguel Fernández de Agüero [1770-1816]. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (11), 257–296. Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/AHn11a13
Dossier: Comerciantes en Hispanoamérica durante el Antiguo Régimen y su crisis