Policy of "extraordinary circumstances", mechanism of crisis and lack of control, frontier of mobile actors. Entre Rí­os, 1830-1831

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Fabian José Herrero


This work analyzes the case of the provisional government of Pedro Barrenechea in Entre Rí­os. I question the historiographical image that presents it as an inactive administration and without proposal in the face of the difficulties that the Entre Rí­os scene of the 1830s presents. I present, on the contrary, that it is an administration with multiple government initiatives and decision-making in areas of power government, such as the important dominance of the military commanders. The Urquiza archive, government documents and the provincial congress of the Entre Rí­os Archive are the main sources.


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Herrero, F. J. (2020). Policy of "extraordinary circumstances", mechanism of crisis and lack of control, frontier of mobile actors. Entre Rí­os, 1830-1831. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, 20(2), e122. https://doi.org/10.24215/2314257Xe122


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