Ireland and the Entre Ríos press. Bobby Sands' hunger strike in the pages of El Diario of Paraná (1981)

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Jeremías Daniel Rodríguez


In 1981, ten prisoners jailed in Maze Prison, located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, began a hunger strike demanding the political status of the inmates. Among the prisoners was Robert Gerard Sands (popularly known as Bobby Sands), leader of the IRA, who died of starvation after 66 days of strike. This event meant a turning point in the development of the conflicts that took place in the north of Ireland. And its worldwide repercussion reached such magnitude that even the Entre Ríos press echoed this event. The objective of this work is to analyze the representation of this case in the newspaper El Diario of the city of Paraná, province of Entre Ríos - one of the morning papers with the highest circulation locally and regionally - and its reception by Paraná society, inevitably crossed by the gaze of the correspondents subject to the editorial policies of the companies for which they worked and the singular national context characterized, in terms of foreign policy, by the tension of Anglo-Argentine relations around the claim of sovereignty over the Falkland Islands by the military government.


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Rodríguez, J. D. (2024). Ireland and the Entre Ríos press. Bobby Sands’ hunger strike in the pages of El Diario of Paraná (1981). Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, 24(1), e205.


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