Comparing Why, What, and How? Comparative Operations in Contemporary Argentine Social Historiography

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María José Ortiz Bergia


This article presents a methodological reflection on comparative research designs, examining their uses, prevalent modalities, and the results achieved. It analyzes the underlying objectives driving the adoption of this type of design and scrutinizes decisions related to the selection of study units, sources, and comparison protocols in recent studies. The study reveals the increasing relevance of these designs and the various practices associated with them. In conclusion, it highlights the advantages of this methodological approach in a national historiography influenced by the spatial turn and the imperative to renew certain historiographical agendas.


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Ortiz Bergia, M. J. (2024). Comparing Why, What, and How? Comparative Operations in Contemporary Argentine Social Historiography. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, 24(2), e217.


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