The ILO from dictatorship to democracy in Argentina: contributions about the role of international organizations in the process of reconfiguration of labor relations during the first half of the 1980s

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Victoria Basualdo


This article aims at analyzing the role of the ILO from the last dictatorship (1976-1983) to the initial years of the ensuing democratic government (1983-1985), as a step towards further and deeper research on the role of international labor organizations in the reconfiguration of labor relations in the 1980s. First, it focuses on particularly relevant dimensions of the ILO action during the dictatorship, paying special attention to the case 842 of the Committee of Freedom of Association concerning the violation of labor rights in Argentina, and the yearly conferences in Geneva as well as other relevant forms of interaction. Second, the paper analyzes the role of this organization during the first two years of the democratic government (1983-1985), based on newly available archival sources as well as coverage by the national press. Even though there are valuable contributions about the topic, few of them focus specifically on the role of international labor organizations and the influence on the definition of State policies towards the trade-union movement and the working class. This section analyzes some of the main governmental projects for the labor movement, particularly the so-called Mucci Law, a project of trade-union reorganization, some of the ways in which the international labor organizations participated in the public debate and discussions about it, the impact of the defeat of this governmental project in Congress and the ways in which connections and contacts with the ILO continued ahead. In terms of the conclusions of this paper, it is significant to notice that although there had been during 1976-1983 an accumulation of evidence and analysis about the evolution of the labor movement and labor conditions in Argentina at different ILO offices, the ILO officials do not seem to have taken advantage of these valuable resources from 1983 to 1985 to face the challenges and puzzles in the initial times of the new democratic government. A second conclusion is that during these years the ILO officials seem to have consolidated their connections with some of the most conservative sectors of the Argentine labor movement that increased their influence and power from that moment onwards.


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Basualdo, V. (2017). The ILO from dictatorship to democracy in Argentina: contributions about the role of international organizations in the process of reconfiguration of labor relations during the first half of the 1980s. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, 17(1), e038.


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