Colonial historiography and foundation of the classical pro-independence thesis in Uruguay

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Tomás Sansón Corbo


Canonical authors of the Uruguayan historiography have identified a set of social, political and geographical factors in the colonial period, that, in their opinion, have caused feelings of autonomist character in the inhabitants of Banda Oriental, that later would turn into pro-independence sentiments. This interpretation, known as the classic pro-independence thesis, had among its most prominent representatives: Francisco Bauzá, Pablo Blanco Acevedo and Juan Pivel Devoto. In this article we intend to analyze the main works of these historians in order to identify in their works, the original characters of Uruguayan official history


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How to Cite
Sansón Corbo, T. (2012). Colonial historiography and foundation of the classical pro-independence thesis in Uruguay. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (12), 225–250. Retrieved from