Slave Clothing in Post-Revolutionary Buenos Aires: A Study Based on Runaway and Loss Advertisements Appearing in La Gaceta Mercantil (1823-1831)

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Andrés Eduardo Yañez


By conducting a quantitative and qualitative study of advertisements for lost or runaway slaves appearing in La Gaceta Mercantil between 1823 and 1831 we have managed to analyze in detail slave clothing –types, condition, fabric, and colors– and, thus, challenge the stereotype created by their contemporaries of slaves in shabby and ragged clothes. As confirmed by our study, not only did slaves possess more and more varied items of clothing, but they also wore ornaments and cared about their personal appearance. This may be interpreted as their intent to reaffirm individuality and, at the same time, preserve group identity.


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How to Cite
Yañez, A. E. (2013). Slave Clothing in Post-Revolutionary Buenos Aires: A Study Based on Runaway and Loss Advertisements Appearing in La Gaceta Mercantil (1823-1831). Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (13). Retrieved from