Que todaví­a no se ha acabado esto. About the end of Pacific Indigenous Business after Caseros

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María Laura Cutrera


This paper is concerned with the outcome of the indigenous policy, a distinctive feature of the "Rosism", so-called Pacific Indigenous Business. It focuses on the period between Caseros and Sierra Chica battles, taking place in 1855. It analyses what precisely happened between the native tribes which had always been in peace with Rosas and those governing since 1852, and proposes three closely intertwined explanatory keys: the change of plans made by the authorities regarding the natives after Caseros, the projects to improve fortresses which thenceforth were designed in Buenos Aires, and the political conflicts which had sparked between the former province and the Confederation which involved the natives in either opposing parties.


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How to Cite
Cutrera, M. L. (2013). Que todaví­a no se ha acabado esto. About the end of Pacific Indigenous Business after Caseros. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (13). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn13a05