(Inter) Actions for a new national order. The political experience of San Juan based on the “Military District of the West” and Congress during the "Confederation" (1855-1858)
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The purpose is to extend the analytical terms on the process of building of "Confederation" political and institutional national system (1852-1862), considering the relationships between central power and San Juan province. We analyze negotiation and conflict interactions that developed San Juan policy among 1855 and 1858, based in the study of a national institution: the “Circunscripción Militar del Oeste”/"Military District of the West”. We study the reciprocal articulation of central power in the provincial space and the main local and regional cleavages and events that were generated in that process. We attend to the interaction between the Leader of the Military District Nazario Benavides, the Governors of San Juan and the national legislature and executive. Moreover, we concentrate on the provincial political institutionalization process, with emphasis on the enactment of the constitution. For this, we also analyze the Congress placed in the capital of the “Confederation”, as other institutional site of crystallization of the provincial and national political alliances and conflicts studied
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Lanteri, A. L. (2015). (Inter) Actions for a new national order. The political experience of San Juan based on the “Military District of the West” and Congress during the "Confederation" (1855-1858). Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (14). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn14a02
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