The Democratic Party of Córdoba before the November 1931 elections

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Desiree del Valle Osella


The paper analyzes the Cordoba Democratic leaders's actions for orchestrating an electoral solution to the uriburista dictatorship, considering the results of the elections; strategy to integrate a national electoral antiyrigoyenista coalition (The National Democratic Party) and the reaction that it brought about within the group. How ever the Democrats triumphed comfortably in the provincial and municipal elections; the PDN victory was not very pronounced. Integrating meant to PD coalition the defection of the leaders who saw in it the loss of the progressivism that characterized the Cordoba party


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How to Cite
Osella, D. del V. (2015). The Democratic Party of Córdoba before the November 1931 elections. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (14). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Desiree del Valle Osella, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Licenciada en Historia (UNC). Maestrando en Partidos Políticos (Centro de Estudios Avanzados, UNC). Adscripta a la cátedra de Teoría Política (UNC) e investigadora adscripta en el proyecto de investigación "Oficialismo y oposición: conflicto y prácticas políticas en Córdoba. 1930-2007" (CEA, UNC).