“Perennial celebration” Civic holidays, hero worship and the politics of national identity

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Inés Quintero Montiel


Once the War of Independence came to a close and with it the dissolution of the former Republic of Colombia, the newly-created State of Venezuela was characterized, since its very inception, by the effort of creating a set of historical references aimed at strengthening the process of nation-building. Both the adoption of patriotic holidays as well as civic commemorations, centered fundamentally on the worship of the heroes of Independence on a national scale, played a key role in this effort to achieve both a sense of the territorial integrity and political cohesion that could fulfill the role of creating a “national identity” for the new Republic. The purpose of this article is to explore the mechanisms that served to create such symbolical references, analyze its contents and, ultimately, study how these symbols were conceived, sustained over time and formalized in order to give way to a “Perennial Celebration” which involved the Venezuelan society at large.


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How to Cite
Quintero Montiel, I. (2015). “Perennial celebration” Civic holidays, hero worship and the politics of national identity. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (15). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn15a02
Dossier: La Historia y la historiografía en América Latina en el siglo XIX. Perspectivas, configuraciones, itinerarios
Author Biography

Inés Quintero Montiel, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Historiadora, profesora Titular de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Magister y Doctora en Historia, Individuo de Número de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, ha sido conferencista, profesora e investigadora visitante en diferentes universidades fuera y dentro de su país. Ha colaborado en numerosos libros colectivos y revistas especializadas en historia. Autora de una amplia obra historiográfica entre sus libros destacan: El ocaso de una estirpe (1989) (2009); Antonio José de Sucre. Biografía Política, (1998) (2006); La Conjura de los Mantuanos (2002) (2008); La Criolla Principal, María Antonia Bolívar, la hermana del Libertador (2003) (2009); El marquesado del Toro 1732-1851 (Nobleza y Sociedad en la Provincia de Venezuela) (2009); El relato invariable: Independencia, mito y nación (2011); El fabricante de peinetas. Último romance de María Antonia Bolívar (2011). El hijo de la panadera (2014)