Whispers and fragments. Notes about the writing of history in the Paraguay
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The writing of history in Paraguay was, until recently, virtually unknown object, not non-existent, but, at times, ignored. However, at present, it is in a stage of rise thanks to the relocation of the focus of interest in research, dissemination of heterogeneous historical sources and sparsely busiest opening testimony. This article aims to take notice of some authors and historical discourses produced in Paraguay. The arguments which they operate aspire to also contribute to the revision of isolation as a determinant of history writing.
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How to Cite
Brezzo, L. (2015). Whispers and fragments. Notes about the writing of history in the Paraguay. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (15). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn15a04
Dossier: La Historia y la historiografía en América Latina en el siglo XIX. Perspectivas, configuraciones, itinerarios
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