The teaching of history in the modernizing project of the River Plate oligarchies. Study based on the Uruguay and Argentina official publications of the Educational Direction (1880-1910)
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Under the modernizing project of the River Plate oligarchies, the teaching of history played a significant role. In the process, its members, through various organs of government direction, exchanged, discussed and spelled out their positions on the role it should play. This article aims to assess the contributions of the Uruguay and Argentina official publications of the Educational Direction as sources for the study of the subject, so far, little addressed from the perspective of the history of historiography; and observe the arguments expressed about the relevance of history teaching.
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How to Cite
Alvarez Torres, S. (2015). The teaching of history in the modernizing project of the River Plate oligarchies. Study based on the Uruguay and Argentina official publications of the Educational Direction (1880-1910). Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (15). Retrieved from
Dossier: La Historia y la historiografía en América Latina en el siglo XIX. Perspectivas, configuraciones, itinerarios
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