Discussions and controversies in the shaping of the Corrientes historiographic field in the late nineteenth century

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María Silvia Leoni
María Gabriela Quiñonez


In the second half of the nineteenth century began the conformation of a historiographical space in Corrientes driven by several factors that contributed to its delineation, like the interest of the state in reaffirm its rights on the territories that had belonged to the old missions and to vindicate the place that its elite leadership saw should occupy in institutional order created by the Constitution of 1853.

Both purposes also involved a growing interest in reinforcing the Correntina identity opposite to a process of building a national identity, which began to emerge in the eighties. In this context arise notable figures such as Ramon Contreras and Manuel Florencio Mantilla, who will be drawn to the historical studies to satisfy these demands.

From their works were established links with historians and institutions of Buenos Aires and developed debates and controversies through the press, which made it possible to be defining a historiographical space with its authorities and work rules.


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How to Cite
Leoni, M. S., & Quiñonez, M. G. (2015). Discussions and controversies in the shaping of the Corrientes historiographic field in the late nineteenth century. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (15). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn15a08
Dossier: La Historia y la historiografía en América Latina en el siglo XIX. Perspectivas, configuraciones, itinerarios
Author Biographies

María Silvia Leoni, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Instituto de Historia. Facultad de Humanidades-Universidad Nacional del Nordeste.

Doctora en Historia. Profesora titular de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste de Introducción a la Historia y de Historia de la Historiografía, del Profesorado y Licenciatura en Historia. Ha sido Directora del Instituto de Historia de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNNE y del Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas (UNNE-CONICET) Dirige los Grupos de investigación de Historia de la Historiografía y de Historia Política Regional.

 H. Yrigoyen 738-Resistencia (Argentina)

María Gabriela Quiñonez, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Licenciada en Historia. Profesora Titular en Historia Argentina Independiente y Profesora Adjunta en Teoría y Metodología de la Investigación Histórica en el Profesorado y Licenciatura en Historia de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Directora del Instituto de Historia de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNNE. Miembro del Grupo de Estudios en Historia de la Historiografía.

Lavalle 520, 2°, 12, Corrientes (Argentina).