Of the miscellaneous programming to the consolidation of the opera. Developed and conformation of the musical taste in Buenos Aires (1821-1828)
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The aim of this work is to analyzes the process of conformation of the lyric musical taste in Buenos Aires during the period 1821-1828. This process will be approached through reconstruction and analysis of music programming present, principally, in the press of the period. It also inquires about the dynamics of the musical spaces inaugurated and promoted for this purpose – academy, societies and theatre- and the main musicians and singers involved in this cultural process.
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Guillamón, G. (2015). Of the miscellaneous programming to the consolidation of the opera. Developed and conformation of the musical taste in Buenos Aires (1821-1828). Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (15). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn15a10
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