Political interferences and interagency to the centralization project of the national health administration (1943-1945)

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Carolina Biernat


The aim of this work is to analyze deeper the reasons of the changes in the the administrative national health structure between 1943 and 1945. While the creation of the National Health and Social Action in 1943 responds to a long demand of academic circles, the administrative centralization and the unification of health and welfare functions (less than a year) expose considerations far from the administrative logic. This paper analyze the consideration that connect the complex relation between the national repatition with the provincial goverments and the charities organizations. Also we considered the injerence of the medical union in the definition of the heath politics and the Juan Domingo Peron ´s ascendancy from the Work and Social Welfare Secretary in the way of monopoly of social assitance as a political capital.


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How to Cite
Biernat, C. (2015). Political interferences and interagency to the centralization project of the national health administration (1943-1945). Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, (15). Retrieved from https://www.anuarioiha.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/IHAn15a11
Author Biography

Carolina Biernat, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes – CONICET

Doctora en Historia. Se formó en las universidades de Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata y del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Actualmente se desempeña como docente-investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (CeHCMe) y como investigadora del CONICET. Su objeto de estudio es la política sanitaria argentina durante la entreguerra. Es autora de ¿Buenos o útiles? Las políticas inmigratorias del peronismo (2007) y, junto a Karina Ramacciotti, de Crecer y multiplicarse. Origen de la política de asistencia sanitaria materno infantil argentina (2013). Además, ha publicado artículos en revistas especializadas, nacionales e internacionales, y participa en congresos científicos de su especialidad.