Travels as transformative ruptures of territorialized social memories

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Nadia Tamara Chiaravalloti


The present paper is part of the ongoing research for the completion of the Bachelor thesis in Anthropological Sciences, sociocultural orientation.The objective is to historicize Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) in Argentina, based on the life biography of Marta Tomé, educator, pioneer and benchmark on the subject. In the light of one of the relevant points that we find in the research, we get back for this article, the journeys that the teacher made throughout her youth, through various Latin American countries. These represent transformative ruptures that influenced their militancy and commitment to education. At present, they are part of their identity and memory, which cannot be dissociated from the social, collective and co-constructed memory. The based methodological work carried out from the approach of the life biography allowed to realize that these journeys are part of the intercultural practices that were generated in various territories, and that today make up the social territorialized memory of intercultural education in Argentina.


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Chiaravalloti, N. T. (2021). Travels as transformative ruptures of territorialized social memories. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, 21(2), e148.
Dosier: Historizar las migraciones. Experiencias y discursos de movilidad y diversidad en perspectiva histórica


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