The Malvinas negotiations: the island lobby and hydrocarbons

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Lilián N. Berardi


The aim of this paper is to analyze the bilateral relations between Argentina and the United Kingdom in the period 1966-1982, during the pre-war period, in relation question of the Malvinas Islands. At the same time, focus is placed on the influence of the island lobby, mainly formed by the island committee and the Malvinas islands company, on British policy towards the Malvinas and its repercussions on relations with Argentina. In line with this, the issue of hydrocarbons was a key factor in the stage studied. The methodological design is qualitative. This work takes as primary sources the Declarations subscribed between Argentina and the United Kingdom, documents published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina. As for secondary sources, books, academic and research publications related to the topic addressed were consulted. By way of conclusion, we note that the actions of the island lobby and the issues related to hydrocarbons have influenced the Anglo-Argentine negotiations regarding sovereignty.


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Berardi, L. N. (2023). The Malvinas negotiations: the island lobby and hydrocarbons. Anuario Del Instituto De Historia Argentina, 23(2), e196.


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